


甲方: 乙方:

法定地址: 法定地址:

法人代表: 法人代表:

为了进一步扩大规模,拓展市场,增加效益,甲方决定在中国浙江省宁海县成立一家独资企业,开发“ ”项目。现与甲方就独资项目的有关事宜达成意向如下:

In order to enlarge production scale, extend new market, and increase economic efficiencies, party A decides to set up a new sole investment enterprises in Ninghai Zhejiang China to develop the project of . The negotiated relevant intentions to set up new sole investment enterprise with party B are listed as follows:

1、 项目名称:

Project name:

2、 经营方式:外商独资

Cooper ative way:Sole investment enterprise

3、 经营范围:

Business scope:

4、 项目总投资为 万美元。

项目注册资本为 万美元。

The total investment is USD

The registered capital is USD

5、 合资公司投产后,年生产能力可达 万元人民币,年销售额可达 万元人民币。其中产品外销占 %。

The anticipated annual production capacity values RMB million and annual

sales income is RMB million, with percent of products are sold at abroad.