门店拓展开发经理 太原聚合卓越网络科技有限责任公司 太原聚合卓越网络科技有限责任公司,外聘网,聚合卓越 职条件:
1. 市场营销学,行政管理专业本科毕业;
majored in marketing and public administration with bachelor degree
2. 具有oppo vivo 小米 金立 优衣库 zara hm 7-11全家、罗森等便利店行业至少2年以上工作经验且业绩突出;
to have work experience for at least 2 years with outstanding performance in relevant companies like oppo vivo and xiaomi gionee unique zara hm... etc.
3. 具有大型商场,商铺资源将优先考虑;
who has lots of resources of huge supermarkets or stores is more preferable;
4. 具有以上行业公司、门店拓展经验一年以上 ;
to have one year hands-on experience for exploring market in related industries,companies or stores
5. 具备良好的组织协调能力;
to have good ability of organization and coordination.
6. 能熟练使用办公室软件系统 ;
to be quite familiar with office software systems
7. 泰籍优先
who has nationality of thailand has priority