


people will eat Double Ninth Gao (or Cake). In Chinese, gao (cake) has thesame pronunciation with gao (height). People do so just to hope progress ineverything they are engaged in. There is no fixed ways for the Double NinthCake, but super cakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like atower.

The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. Chinaboasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them sinceancient times. So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a keyactivity on this festival. Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine. Womenused to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows ordoors to avoid evilness.

In 19, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as SeniorsDay. Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communitieswill organize an autumn trip each year for those who have retired from theirposts. At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselvesmerged into nature. Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areasor send gifts to them on this day.