
雾霾,go away作文600字(30篇)

雾霾,go away作文600字篇12

It is reported that thick fog and haze surround many parts of China. Peoplehave to wear masks when they go out.As air pollution is getting increasinglyworse,it has become the main concern of people.

Air pollution can have serious consequences for human’s health and alsoseverely affects natural ecosystems. Millions of people die of illnesses relatedto air pollution every year.Due to particles from exhaust emissions,green houseeffects result in warmer weather,acid rains corrode the earth,and frequent hazecauses traffic problems.

Confronted with such situation,positive measures should be adopted. Thegovernment should keep its regulatory role for properly supervision. Relatedrules should be made out for reducing emissions of new vehicles and limitinghigh-emission vehicles.Factories should meet standards for curbing emissions ofpollutants in surrounding cities.Meanwhile, provinces and municipalities in eachtarget region should set up a mechanism for the joint prevention and control ofair pollution.