

第5篇 招投标业务经理岗位职责

招投标经理-国际业务 1. 建立招投标管理和合同管理的工作流程、协调机制和管理制度,保障投标项目落地顺畅,结合业务发展完善流程制度建设。

establish and improve workflows to manage and coordinate bidding process, to ensure the smooth implementation of bidding projects.

2. 根据不同业务场景,不同产品的需求,带领投标虚拟团队,协调相关部门及资源,根据标书的相关文档和规范要求,按时按需完成应标文档和相关文件的整合,完成标书制作。协调投标文件编制过程中的问题,确保投标文件高质量按时投递。

coordinate resources and set up virtual horizontal bidding team to answer rfi/rfp, manage the answering process and control the quality of bidding documents;

3. 监督整个投标和合同准备过程中的合规性,对内容进行审核,规避风险。

supervise bidding process and review bidding documents to avoid potential compliance issues and other risks.

4. 逐步建立完善的投标档案库,销售成功案例库,对相关资料进行收集、分析、处理及沉淀,并定期更新资质文件,保证文件的有效性。

build up bidding material database, to collect, analyze and summarize bidding documents; update bidding related materials and information to ensure the validity of the documents.

5. 对投标文件归档管理。定期对公司投标进行统计,分析中标丢标原因,形成经验积累,为业务部门提供指导。

review bidding cases and analyze the reasons for winning or losing projects, provide guidance accordingly to business teams.


1. 具有5年以上合同管理、招投标工作经验,具有项目标书拟定,投标、信息资料收集、分析、合同拟定,风险判断的能力。

5+ years of experience in contract management and bid management, be able to draft and answer rfi/rfp, to collect bidding information, to analyze and draft contract, to identify and control bidding risks;

2. 具有较强的项目管理能力,项目把控能力以及分析解决问题的能力,能够有效调动资源。

strong project management ability, including project control, problem analysis, resource coordination, etc.

3. 对商务投标工作有较强的审核、控制能力及业务敏感度,能够对标书的内容和准确性进行把关。

profound bidding background, be able to review and control bidding process, strong business sense;

4. 熟悉海外当地的招投标政策法规和流程。

familiar with overseas bidding policies and procedure.

5. 英文听说读写流利。

fluent in spoken and written english. 1. 建立招投标管理和合同管理的工作流程、协调机制和管理制度,保障投标项目落地顺畅,结合业务发展完善流程制度建设。

establish and improve workflows to manage and coordinate bidding process, to ensure the smooth implementation of bidding projects.

2. 根据不同业务场景,不同产品的需求,带领投标虚拟团队,协调相关部门及资源,根据标书的相关文档和规范要求,按时按需完成应标文档和相关文件的整合,完成标书制作。协调投标文件编制过程中的问题,确保投标文件高质量按时投递。

coordinate resources and set up virtual horizontal bidding team to answer rfi/rfp, manage the answering process and control the quality of bidding documents;

3. 监督整个投标和合同准备过程中的合规性,对内容进行审核,规避风险。

supervise bidding process and review bidding documents to avoid potential compliance issues and other risks.

4. 逐步建立完善的投标档案库,销售成功案例库,对相关资料进行收集、分析、处理及沉淀,并定期更新资质文件,保证文件的有效性。

build up bidding material database, to collect, analyze and summarize bidding documents; update bidding related materials and information to ensure the validity of the documents.

5. 对投标文件归档管理。定期对公司投标进行统计,分析中标丢标原因,形成经验积累,为业务部门提供指导。

review bidding cases and analyze the reasons for winning or losing projects, provide guidance accordingly to business teams.


1. 具有5年以上合同管理、招投标工作经验,具有项目标书拟定,投标、信息资料收集、分析、合同拟定,风险判断的能力。

5+ years of experience in contract management and bid management, be able to draft and answer rfi/rfp, to collect bidding information, to analyze and draft contract, to identify and control bidding risks;

2. 具有较强的项目管理能力,项目把控能力以及分析解决问题的能力,能够有效调动资源。

strong project management ability, including project control, problem analysis, resource coordination, etc.

3. 对商务投标工作有较强的审核、控制能力及业务敏感度,能够对标书的内容和准确性进行把关。

profound bidding background, be able to review and control bidding process, strong business sense;

4. 熟悉海外当地的招投标政策法规和流程。

familiar with overseas bidding policies and procedure.

5. 英文听说读写流利。

fluent in spoken and written english.